Monday, 18 March 2013

Images-Glamour Theme

My Images

This image, is one of my favorite's because i feel that it brings what i wanted to create together. I think that because the model is looking right into the camera it makes it more personal and creates the thought that the person is looking at you, and making eye contact with you. To edit this picture I changed the contrast of images to make the contour's of the face lighter and the eyes darker, i feel that this image successfully shows the theme of glamour.

Images-Glamour Theme

My Images

I think that this image is good and effective because it shows the makeup in the picture and makes it look glamorous. I only did a slight amount of editing to this image to just improve the brightness, this made it clearer and easier to make out certain parts of the image. I like this image because i think that the colours in it show out, but also it portrays the theme of glamour well.

Images-Glamour Theme

My Images

This picture, I wanted it to seem as if she was looking into the heart, not concentrating on the camera, which i feel that this image achieves. When i was editing this picture, I changed the hue and saturation, i also changed the brightness and contrast, i changed these because i felt that it made the image a lot more interesting. I wanted the image to show the theme of glamour in a different way and I feel this image shows that.

Images-Glamour Theme

My Images

Above, is the picture before it was edited:

To edit this picture, I changed the brightness and the contrast to enhance the image's appearance. I also used the spot healing tool to make it clearer. When I changed the image's brightness and contrast I found it made the image a lot more interesting and nicer to look at. I think that although you cant see the persons eyes or any other features excluding the mouth and bottom of nose it portrays a good theme, that because the image is so simple it is nice to the eye, and the use of symmetry is in this picture makes it so much more interesting as it is so simple. I think this shows the theme well.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Images-Glamour theme

My Images

This is the picture before it was edited:

This is the picture once it has been edited:
This picture, i took to show a close up of the eye makeup, and then i edited it to make it black and white, then from here i wanted to completely take out some of the colour and then once i did this, i found that it looked too dark, so i added a blue circle round the eye to define it and make it more exiting. So now, the pupil of the eye is the most interesting part. With the person not looking at the camera, it creates a different theme/look to the picture. Although my picture originally created a glamorous style, it now has aspects of being mysterious but still a form of glamour, which is good because then it gives the viewer more to think about, and to be able too look into this picture. I feel that this picture relates to glamour well and portrays a different side of glamour.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Images- Glamour Theme

My Images

This is the picture before it was edited: 

This is the picture once it had been edited: When I was editing this picture, I chose to make it pinker because I wanted the picture to be brighter, and also I wanted my image to represent a clear colour, this is what brought me to pink. When I was experimenting with different colours and styles to benefit the picture, i added a pink not expecting the colour to advance the way that the picture appeared. But, when i placed the pink on, i found that it made the picture's main features stand out. I felt that the bracelets brightness was changed with thanks to the pink look being added. The background of the image is my model's dress, with this being glittery, the effect i chose reflects off of this and provides a big advantage to the photo. Also, i cropped the image to make the picture have less background to it and make it more captivating.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Images-Glamour Theme

My Images

The image above is a picture that i took to display the rings,these being the main glamorous part of the image. When i deliberately made the back half of the image slightly out of focus it made the rings in the image more of a view point for the picture. I feel that also having the rings the main point of the photo and in focus makes it a lot more eye-catching and interesting. Overall, i feel that this image is effective and displays my theme effectively. I didn't edit this picture at all, as i felt that it didn't need changing, i felt that although some of the colours could have been brought out, it looked better neutral. 

Monday, 4 March 2013

Glamour Theme-Using a filter

Using a Filter

Throughout the process of taking and editing my images, I have chosen to add a filter to one of my images to enhance it's appearance and make it more interesting. I chose to use the filter called 'diffuse glow' as I think it was to an advantage of my image. When I was taking this particular picture I wanted symmetry to be seen within the image so I decided to take it at a medium to close shot, witch made it more interesting, I decided to keep the background simple, so the only focus point was the shoes. This meant that having a simple background and image topic I was able to use a filter to make the image more exciting. As i said, i used the filter named 'diffuse glow' and within this set all the settings to my preferred strength to enhance my image to its full potential. 
The image below is before the filter was added;

As you can see from the image below the filter had enhanced the colour, and made both the carpet and wall brighter so the shoes stick out more.