Tuesday 26 February 2013

Glamour Theme

A picture that inspired me

When i chose the theme Glamour i wanted to bring in a range of topic's for example: Fashion, Makeup and other things that people would relate to glamour. The image i decided to represent is below; When i chose this image to 'copy' i felt that although it was not the colours i wanted, it brought in the idea of fashion, i also think that having the belt of the person in the middle of the photograph made it more of a focus point for the camera, and for the eye. When i was looking for an image to epitomise, i was looking for something that was simple, but a good, interesting picture, this is when i chose this one. I also chose it because i feel that it clearly represents what i am looking for my theme to represent with only a few minor changes.

Below, is my version of the image. When taking my image, i had this picture next to me and while i was taking my picture, i changed only a few minor things that made a large difference in what the picture was showing. For one, i changed the clothes, i made the top sparkly so it brought in more of a glamorous theme to the image. Secondly, i made the angle slightly wider, so it showed the whole belt of my person.

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