Sunday 17 March 2013

Images-Glamour theme

My Images

This is the picture before it was edited:

This is the picture once it has been edited:
This picture, i took to show a close up of the eye makeup, and then i edited it to make it black and white, then from here i wanted to completely take out some of the colour and then once i did this, i found that it looked too dark, so i added a blue circle round the eye to define it and make it more exiting. So now, the pupil of the eye is the most interesting part. With the person not looking at the camera, it creates a different theme/look to the picture. Although my picture originally created a glamorous style, it now has aspects of being mysterious but still a form of glamour, which is good because then it gives the viewer more to think about, and to be able too look into this picture. I feel that this picture relates to glamour well and portrays a different side of glamour.

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